Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Fools day, April 1st, is a day worldly recognised for playing harmless franks and hoaxes to friends and family with the aim of magnifying their foolishness.

Some pranks were actually funny however most were insensitive, weird and most of all lacked any sense of humour; like these two I witnessed today.

This dude in the comp lab literally broke one leg of a swing chair, then like a booby trap he placed it ready to embarrass unsuspecting victims. Seconds later a fine lady came sitting and shortly after her legs were flying high. It wasn't the most funniest sight, poor thing she got hurt! That dude felt foolish at the end. For God sakes its supposed to be harm less!

Now this other one is just insane! Imagine the most quiet person in a class, yes him! He goes around telling people "haha fools day! Gotcha!" You know that cheeky laugh you give after playing an awesome prank on someone? That's the one. After that he walks away leaving you wondering, looking all over your body or at what you are holding. You then become suspicious of anything you come across or do for the rest of the day! It makes you crazy!

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